četvrtak, 15. ožujka 2012.

Space ball in brazilian vilige!

VIDEO: Space ball "fell in the Brazilian village

When the encounter with the unknown, people tend to think of fantastic explanations which you want to simplify things. These explanations sometimes tend to be more complicated than reality.
Is this the case with the mystical 'space ball' that fell in the Brazilian village? Is there a logical explanation for the shiny, metal balls that fell from heaven?

Case law has created confusion in the village and it is not surprising that residents are not entitled to an explanation. Is it a 'message in a bottle' from another planet? Space capsule of unknown origin? Or maybe just ... 'Gods Must Be Crazy'?

Valdir José Mendes, 46-year-old who first met the ball, describes his experience: 'I was at home and at one point I heard a loud shot from outside and it seemed to be talking about the earthquake. The sound was so loud that I was initially afraid to come out. Outside I saw a broken tree and shot that fell a few meters from my house and made ​​a crater several meters into the earth. '

The object is pulled from the land of 20 villagers, and immediately informed the police who decided to take the item and send it to the analysis of the military.

Although at present there is no official explanation of this interesting subject, some have noted that 'space ball' resembling tanks used in some human satellites and spacecraft. To have tried to figure out what it is, we bring you a snapshot occurred in Brazil:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JByXq60u_LY&feature=player_embedded

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