četvrtak, 15. ožujka 2012.

Chupacabra kills goats!?

Parácuaro in Mexico City became the scene of true horror stories when it attacked and killed the whole herd of goats. Witnesses say that the Chupacabra is the culprit, but this time flying.

The bloody attack killed 35 goats, and witnesses describe the creature that attacked the goat as an animal with fangs, claws and wings. Another peculiarity of this attack is that they just killed goats while the sheep and pigs spared.

According to the belief of local people, it supports the theory
Chupacabra because her favorite food is just skin. In the past few years have been reported many such cases, thousands of goats and blood was drained.

Even though the legend of the Chupacabra has been a part of folklore and instills fear into farmers, this is the first case of flying version of the monster. Is there some special powers other than ability to fly, it's hard to say. While waiting for confirmation and further descriptions of the monsters, we bring you a report with the local TV:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y7aWS-1JPU&feature=player_embedded

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