četvrtak, 15. ožujka 2012.

VIDEO: 'Shooting star' in the skies over England
Fireball in the sky this is seen over the UK, where the second March about ten o'clock in the evening noticed a strange light in the sky. Many people have testified to appear, and some are also documented.

Even a few days after the event, the object is known not only to human spacecraft and is not registered on the radar. Experts predict that it was a meteor, but so far have not found the remains of which would have confirmed.

The strange object there are several theories, but almost no one thinks it is a alien spacecraft. Of course, this does not mean that the aliens this time acquitted. Indeed, one theory is that these are extraterrestrial projectile, or at least the meteor which are directed toward Earth hostile aliens.

Given the prevalence of these phenomena in the sky lately, many think that this is a kind of demonstration of alien power which will be the last stage of a meteor of great destructive power which will destroy us.

Scare you and make you more frequent presence of fire-balls in the sky? Reports, recordings and the testimony of this case, be sure to see the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojnWnY4ADck&feature=player_embedded

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