ponedjeljak, 2. travnja 2012.

četvrtak, 22. ožujka 2012.

Wisited heaven four time-s!!!!!!

Sibusiso Mthembu has 64 years and claims to have had the opportunity four times to visit paradise. And to better show people what awaits them after death, he decided to draw the map.

     'An angel saved my child at birth'
     Miracle or coincidence? 'Angel saved my child at birth'
     Mother argues that the ghost assaulted her and his son
     I do not know what to radeMajka claims that the ghost assaulted her and his son

This man from South Africa boasts that he first visited Paradise 1998th year, when the angel Gabriel came to him. This visit was not entirely unexpected, he says, because it came after Gabriel and 1993., But then he said only that it should be in paradise.

In his second trip Sibusiso even met God, who says that it looks like it was in the twenties, the same as all the sky. For God said to the greyish color, while Jesus was completely white.

In his celestial adventures allegedly observed that there are 11 heavens and visited each of them. God inhabits the planet Jadalemu, which dominate the fire and ice.

According to him, Jesus lives in heaven in the fifth Sharomyju, and drew a map of paradise to share their knowledge with everyone eager to learn.

Considers himself a prophet, which provided a unique opportunity to peek into the afterlife in full awareness and meet great personalities such as Moses, Abel, and even God himself.

He hopes that the map, that line for years, and will soon be able to print and share all concerned to have something to look forward and be able to cope as best as soon as they arrive in paradise.

petak, 16. ožujka 2012.

Strange sounds give pepole the creepes

A recent story out of Canada's Windsor triggered a flood of real images of strange and disturbing sounds whose source is still unknown.

Recordings from other parts of the world existed before, but dismissed as outbursts of unstable individuals because communities were not interested or able to move and explore what it actually does.

But this was not the case at Windsor, where the residents contacted the civil service, universities and all relevant institutions to learn about what was happening. An official investigation began in early August and the first results are still awaited.

While not knowing what was happening, we transmit to you a few shots. At first you can see a report on the case of Windsor, and two other recordings of unusual sounds recorded in Florida in Kiev.

In the Florida case, the sound is inconsistent explained as the sound of aircraft, and then as a distant thunder (which has lasted continuously for 20 minutes).

The Kiev event recorded in mid-August to now no explanation, and so it is with sounds recorded in New Jersey, Georgia and Belarus.

Some of the assumptions are that these are consequences of HAARP technology, which recently attributed all sorts of 'merit' of earthquakes and tornadoes, to strange sounds and global warming.

Another explanation that is consistent is that it runs an alien with respect to the number of cases in the sky and noticed a UFO. There are those who believe it is all a result of changes in the earth's magnetic field.

Saved if the aliens invade, whether it is a natural phenomenon or the blame for all the powerful human technologies try to learn from the images that you convey:VIDEO 1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3

130 secret underground tunnels in America!!!

"In America there are over 130 secret underground bases'
Philip Schneider died on 16 January 1996., and the last two years he spent many revealing military secrets.

His claims of life were not seriously understood and had no chance to reach a wider public, but given the weight after his death under suspicious circumstances.

Schneider allegedly worked as an engineer for the U.S. government and participated in the design of underground military bases around the United States. Also, allegedly one of three people who survived the fatal showdown with the aliens that took place in an underground base in New Mexico 1979th

His former job was working to expand the base, which included the exploration of the underworld in order to prepare the appropriate explosives for the destruction of certain types of rocks.

In one such expedition, together with his colleagues found a cave full of hostile aliens who had the gun in a box on his chest that fires deadly amounts of radiation.

Schneider was allegedly injured these weapons, and was eventually diagnosed with cancer and left his job to devote himself to uncovering the truth. Among the alleged truth includes the fact that the aliens are already residing for many years on Earth, according to his estimates, perhaps a million years.

He argued that there is a "black fund" in the American budget, and that a year into it spills over one trillion U.S. dollars devoted solely to these underground bases and their covert operations.

In his speech, described in detail the alleged underground complex beneath the airport in Denver, the network which are all underground complexes across the U.S. are related. Unfortunately, life did not offer concrete evidence that would prove his claims, but more and more of those who believe in them to be true. Hopefully someone will soon gather the courage to explore his extraordinary story.

Weird stuf in chinese desert

Page Gizmodo.com reports that the service to Google Earth has recently appeared in China's Gobi desert photos which show unusual structures.

Buildings, wide and up to 1,600 kilometers, are located in the Gobi desert, and are of various shapes. For now, the biggest unknowns 'network' that resembles the layout of the road infrastructure of the city.

The function of these unusual structures in the desert is not yet known, but many theories. For one of the buildings are so hard that a HAARP facility, but no one is sure whether it is used in China only for research purposes, or is it a means to achieve world domination. After all, even conspiracy theorists have not agreed on exactly what HAARP is used.

One of the unusual structure is circular, and it can be noticed and planes. Maybe just a strange airport, but some suspect that we are talking about the alien ship pier. Of course, the only 'proof' of this theory has a circular shape and size of buildings.

Whatever happened in the desert, whether on military bases, docks extraterrestrial or someone's prank, the phenomenon titillate the imagination of many. After all, look at some of the photos with Google Earth.


According to studies that deal with UFOlogists around the world, everything is clearer that the 2012th years of change and a growing number of documented UFO indicates that something is coming.

Given the regularity of the researchers noted, believe that UFOs are harbingers of disaster because they occur mainly near the site that will soon befall some trouble.

Of course, most of the UFO was observed 'in passing', but UFOlogists believe that there are certain places on Earth, about which the UFOs are targeted together.

Since they believe that it is extraterrestrial spacecraft, it is not yet clear cause-effect relationship, but there are several theories.

According to one of them, the aliens are the only observers who observe Earth processes and can predict natural disasters. Another theory is that aliens land serves as a kind of 'laboratory' and testing their weapons on us and cause 'natural disasters'.

Another theory says that the Earth is more alien species to fight each other. Places where people gather their secret base, a 'natural disasters' are just part of their war.

These brave theories do not yet have solid evidence, but if you want more material for reflection, be sure to see the video from Mexico that you convey, and which considers the possibility that UFOs are harbingers of impending eruption of the volcano Popocatepetl:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-jpEN5irlHE